James Whatley - Planning Partner at Ogilvy
Digital Trends 2018
9am - 10am
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CJ Antal-Smith - Director of Trading at Co-op
The Co-op Difference
10am - 11am
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Jamie Woodruff - Europe's No1 Ethical Hacker & Director at Metrix Cloud
The Evolution of Hacking
10am - 11am
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Sara Varni - Chief Marketing Officer at Twilio
The Future of Consumer Engagement
11am - 12pm
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Chris Hamilton - Head of Digital at 10 Downing St
Digital at Downing Street
12pm - 1pm
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Emilio Zunino - Regional Manager for Uber Eats
The impact of technology on retail and the future of food
12pm - 1pm
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Alex Cruz - CEO of British Airways
The changing face of Aviation
1pm - 2pm
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Uzma Sattar - Customer Success Director at Microsoft
Helping you achieve more through Customer Success
1pm - 2pm
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Gerald Ratner - CEO of Ratners Jewellers
The rise and fall and rise again
2pm - 3pm
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